Watch The WP Plug-In In ActionWhat Is Included In WP Buzz Machine Plug-In:WP Plug-InEasy to install & use Wordpress plugin. Get started right away, and start creating wp buzz pages... Unlimited PagesThere is no limit on how many pages you can create. You can create 100's of pages on one install... Store Leads Inside Of WPWhen you collect a lead with the wp buzz pages the plugin automatically stores that lead inside of Wordpress, so you can go back and see all the leads captured... Edit Page InformationEasily edit, update or delete any content on your page. On the dashboard you can see all your leads and edit your content settings... Meme Image CreatorYou can add a meme image generator with your own images to create viral traffic to your buzz page... Export Your LeadsYou can export your leads like aweber, icontact, or mailchimp. Your leads are provided ready to copy & paste. Easy To InstallJust upload the zip file to your WP install, and your good to go! It's really that simple to get started... Social ShareUsers can share their created images on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter or their blog all linking back to your page... DEVELOPERS LICENSEYes, just for the low price of $9, you can also get Developers license! You can use this for as many projects as you want. Unlimited domains! |